Monday, August 09, 2021


Its all about food and there is plenty of it as well as the odd and interesting of these days. Aldi supermarket is generally quite good while some folk baulk at shopping there, not good enough they imply, which is a laugh.
This Spanakopita, made in Greece, was fairly good and the name is a novelty. 'Span' is related to spinach and 'pita' to pie, pastry, cake, the Middle Eastern cookbook led me to believe.
Greek lives are in turmoil from the wild fires which spread uncontrolled and force the people to flee. Neighbouring countries have the same fate. A suspect cause is climate change and it is not to late for us all to change and reverse the problems.

Ancient history study from school days had Greek topics like the surprising Minoan civilization, the Spartans also Alexander the Great but not easy to relate to the present day area. Imagine the heritage at risk from fires. The old text from Breasted was full of amazing accounts and pictures if only half the study was ever retained. 

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