Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Cattle dog or Blue heeler relative. Tut-tut the dog is not on a leash. It is the origin of the character Bluey on ABC TV.  
The dog that currently sits on the Tuckerbox five miles from Gundagai looks rather like a Blue heeler.
A Kelpie sheep dog just sold for a maxium 35k. It was trained and proved effective worker.
There has been 3 dog nights just lstely. 
Was Goofy a dog?
Dogs are a must-have accessory and of course the Rescue dog is right up there. A regular bitzer or mongrel dog is not so popular.
 My parents had an older dog a bit cranky and black all over and with a name that has become absolutely banned and rightly so. As well there was a sporty bitzer. This setting was  out of town. Hunting out rabbits with the dogs was a sometime childhood game.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Goofy was a dog... Who was sometimes seen to own another dog, Pluto.