Saturday, March 30, 2019

 Mayfield is in transition.  Gradual change. Retail stores are closed and empty.   And Woolworth's twin is still on the drawing board - that's good, who knows what another new supermarket will do.
A pharmacy now doubles up as a newsagent amazingly.  Drugs and lotto - what else? 
 A cat in a bath - where else?

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Can we be reassured there is a majority 'out there' who would never ever vote for the shallow air heads that have come to light engaged in drivel about guns and opting for the confounded gun lobby that is a blight on the stars and stripes.
If only the ardent fans could all see, hear and take note of the words from their so called heroes they would know who are fooling them. Do they really want to pay a parliamentarian to lark around the world with nothing better to concern themselves with than the subject of guns.  Our time and money is wasted on certain elected representative who love promotion of delusional security risks and dangerous solutions. And are known for ignorant prejudice.
When nothing constructive or worthwhile emerges then some are unworthy of support.  No priority given to pressing issues. The Greens cop it. At least they address what matters. Compare that to a focus on a minority and their hang up about guns.
Be careful how you vote!

Saturday, March 23, 2019


One form is large for the Legislative Council.

The line of voters was long mid afternoon outside the school hall one of many halls proudly built during the GFC as a stimulus. The political origins of the assembly hall come to mind at voting time in the hall.

My area is not a swing seat - far from it.

Monday, March 04, 2019

 humble blue Ford Falcon

Certain Fords were cool once, well, they are probably Fords, Mustang alone was half decent looking

Saturday, March 02, 2019

 Little red Corvette.  Two classics. The Good Guys in the background. 
  We are unable to stand back and actually see the good guys in federal parliament in a different light. Parliament is a behemoth that busily justifies its existence, costs a fortune and interferes in our life that is bound up with state responsibilities. Health and eduction etc are ridiculously tangled up between state and federal control. We can't see the wood for the trees or would rationalise these methods. Well, that is not true as privatisation is adopted in that light so why not extend that to sort out state and federal responsibilities.
Slim intense committees alone could organise welfare and defence and taxation matters..
The role of a federal minister is so so.  A foreign minister is unceremoniously dropped.  What about the wealth of experience and negotiation matters that are lost? Counts for nothing. Two key defence roles are lost to retirement.  No matter, any fool can fill the shoes as they say. One day a minister for the River Darling the next day it is border security - whatever that is.
Despite an infinite team of advisors, often ignored, the Feds will set up a scheme for somesuch where blind Freddie could see the loopholes and aspects that will be exploited. 
All this is followed with intense focus on the Federal apparatus. So much time is wasted on scrutiny. Who paid for that holiday?  Was it lawful? Who was unreasonably feisty at a senate enquiry? It is unworthy as the bee all and end all.  If Federal parliament did not exist the focus would change to State affairs and the state budget would enjoy the vast savings and perfect their services.

Friday, March 01, 2019

Industrial side of Carrington and a very daggy train.