Monday, September 29, 2014

Called in at iKew, that is Kew, off the Pacific Highway, where reminders of the days of logging are in the park near the pleasant and well stocked tourist centre.  Local weaving and confectionary are among the items on sale. 
It also acts as a driver reviver which is very worthwhile service.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

War.  Maybe it is the result of media reporting more than anything else that result in the PM as seen to be obsessed with fighting terrorism.
Oh my, he is sooo responsible!
As some say, a degree of proportion is essential.
Forget all vital issues, nothing will be heard from the government except war and security. Give us a break.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A mystery.  Our national obsession is coal. Coal industry is everywhere.  Mining is our national past time. Coal fired power generation is our habit. Despite all that, how is it that our electricity costs are possibly the highest in the world?   Natural gas prices are riding high.
Anyway, the future is in green power and it must be a good investment - Rockefeller thinks so. As well as many global activists. They have seen the light.
Our government does not support alternative energy in a big way.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday driving.
To have our local politicians resign because of corruption was positive. Expectations are high about replacements.  But my unease is growing.  Will the vote be given to rednecks? 
Will we find anti-democratic, anti-enlightenment folk, friends of the big end of town who dont know much more about politics than this housewife writer.
Thanks for voting for a senator who says stupid things to the press, seems to use the aboriginal ticket that is disputed and has no regard for cultural beliefs.   

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

From September 1944

This is the famous Soldiers Cake Cannister of the war years  Ideal for taking cake on picnics or sending by mail.
War is everywhere, either WW1 is retold, or WW 2 or IS conflict.  There is a lot of concensus about IS.
Imagine if nations united in a similar manner to combat even more important issues. That would be unbelievable.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Two items are in a price war just now, it seems.  Strawberries $1.50 and Broccoli  $1 kg.  Such largess, what are the supermarkets thinking?
Vary rare to find tender excellent strawberries.  They tend to be wirey, woody, tough, low in flavour.  Those who worry about such things say to soak strawberries and wash them well as they catch a lot of chemicals on their skin.
None of which is high on the scale of world shattering events that confront us today.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

What does this say in words disguising a Pasha Bulker image?  That is one interpretation. Took some time to even get this photo.  

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Inspired by the Pasha B - in a street in Wickham , aground in a forest with details.
This morning, ABC radio played the wonderful hit, Vespers for the Blessed Virgin by Monterverdi. Hear a good version on utube.
What is left to inspire a composer these days? Old beliefs are out. What will they glory about or strive to reach the heights of expression? Some say its all been done. Thats it.     
Fathers Day Sunday September 7 2014

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Monday, September 01, 2014

 Anti-government protest - refugee services, GP co-payment, higher education costs .....the list goes on
 Nurses union
 Disability services under change
Rail tram and bus Union