Monday, July 29, 2013

Have often literally crossed the Styx in the suburbs of Newcastle - Kotara, Broadmeadow, Hamilton North - as it wends its way somewhere. Here is another Styx in TasMANIA.
Lower pic. Nearby, what event takes place in that park? Woodchopping

Friday, July 19, 2013

 Fresh meat in the Huon valley. 
 One of our tables was probably made of Huon pine, it was old, very very fine grained wood, then it was sold when we moved house.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My steam driven computer has gone crazy and malfunctioned. Has it been hacked by a government operative!! My innocent files gone to ASIO and the CIA!
At this stage the computer remains out of action. A little problem like that tips the scales and other priorities take over at busy times.