Friday, September 14, 2012

Leaving Kosciuszko National Park to reach the Hume Highway the country opens out and long bands of bare lifeless trees are observed on the slopes the same as they were in other wooded areas alongside other trees with leaves. Who knows why the trees look dead. Not many deciduous trees are found here.  Snow Gums keep their leaves.

This national park is rather extensive on the southern border of the state and has a lot of activities to support so it requires a good budget for staff and whatever without dependence on the manpower and fees of hunters with guns.  Official culling is acceptable.
As it is the motorist is advised to watch for, in turn, wombats, roos, brumbies and emus as well as for changes in weather conditions which can be severe.  None of these animals were a problem although some roos had been hit and had since been marked with an X in paint which would have a few explainations.
 Of all things, Mount Kosciusko, the highest peak, is named after a tumulus found outside Cracow which was formed to honour Kosciusko who did good. Count Strzelecki, during his scientific galavanting joined an expedition and described and named the mountain in 1840 although he made no record of the bearings. (The spellings and all the facs are beyond this barebones account despite doing a little research).


Gerald (SK14) said...

good to see you still taking great journeys

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the website
There you will find a lot of information about the conquest of Mt Kosciuszko the highest peak of Australia, and about sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki the explorer who gave the mountain its name.