Beware, these little Red Back Spiders have been known to leave their native shores and one has been found as far away as Hamburg, probably hitching a ride there on a freighter.
The Red Back Spider, can give a dangerous sting and is a native of Australia and resembles the Black Widow spider.
The female looks very attractrive and usually has a red stripe which can be seen here when the photo is enlarged, and her bite can result in localised symptoms, or more seriously, systemic symptoms but death is rare. An antivenom is available.
This particular little spider was found under a sheet of wood, was photographed and then encourage to leave. This is why I take care out in the garden. The spider can be found in dry sheltered sites such as among rocks, in logs, in sheds, outhouses or under rubbish. They are even immortalized in song.
This spider is only one of two animals to date where the male has been found to actively assist the female in cannibalism. In the process of mating, the much smaller male spider moves near the females mouth. In about two out of three cases, the female consumes the male while mating continues. Males who are not eaten die soon after. Well, I never! (Wikipedia)
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now I love our native spiders, but you've some nasty brutes down under
i am totally afraid of spiders!
well except for spiders that they serve in cafes :-p
WOW! You are very brave, I hate these little spiders, I am always scared to find one in my place!
Nice shot
Maraï from Brisbane
Very creative of you!
Interesting post for theme day. Enjoyed reading about the spider.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
oh i saw that little red 'back'! I dun really like spiders, but i know they are very useful within the house to trap mosquitoes ;)
I do prefer to see her on a photo than in my bathroom...even if she is very pretty with her red stripe!
Spiders,beautiful creatures which are often misunderstood.I like spiders but sometimes when they suddenly appear in the toilet or in my cupboard,I'll scream.
Bonne idee, tres original, bravo
Good idea, very original, cheer
Way to much detail ... Oohh now the hair on the back of my neck is standing up ... Actually I had heard about female spiders eating the male spiders however I had never know the male spider assisted in the process.
Holy Cow! That is one deadly little feller. very interesting take on the theme.
At first glance I thought - but that's not red! Then when I read the post, I'm amazed you stood their long enough to take the photo.
Yikes. And no camera shake!
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