Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009

Extract reproduced to review the wide range of content.

Another winning photo!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona is the film. I read these names are concatenated!
Also this is believed to be Spanish!
Monday, February 23, 2009

And hasn't Hollywood ever seen a Bollywood-type movie before the latest hoo-ha? Great movies.
Blackrock (1997) was a movie that starred Heath and it has a harsh Newcastle connection with Stockton beach and our surf culture. The 'inspiration for the story was the rape and murder of a Newcastle teenager, Leigh, after a surf party in 1991. One party, one witness, no one's talking. Screen and stage play by Nick Enright. (The real life case was long and controversial.)
Is the Joker a metaphor for the bizarre aspects of the high-flying movie world?
Vale Heath Ledger.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009

No, it probably 'chews up' the sea floor and removes rocks and deepens the port.
Ursa Major is the third largest constellation and occupies a vast region of far northern skies. The constellation is not so significant in our Southern Hemisphere and is possibly visible somewhere in the northern autumn skies.
Tourists can take up star gazing and discover totally new night skies above distant lands.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I want to see on the computer the Australian protocol for the written date, ie: day, month, year every time. Is there any group in existence that tries to save the day-month-year method?
I want to see a good selection of web sites without Google defaulting to American sites so much. Imagine all the other countries subjected to this as well. (notwithstanding the Google option for Australian content)
I want to see Australian spelling in the web content. I want to see Australianisms.
If I sign up and give my address I don't want a request for a zip code either.
Some degree of choice exists and one can change the details on programs and search engines. Protcols from other places could be seen as part of life's rich pagent but other times they are just something I could do without.

It's not art unfortunately. They are wrapped, of course, to contain any pollution created by the work.
A context or good composition or somesuch is part of a good photo. One can 'do battle' with the traffic and one way streets and 'no parking zones' so as to reach some unlikely subject for a photo and just go for it and a scene becomes digitalized just in a matter of fact way at first sight and history (or herstory) is recorded. I'm afraid that's it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

All is not black and white for the Christian calendar has certain idiosyncracies and February 14th has links with Valentine as well as Cyril and Methodius.
Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers who became missionaries of Christianity among the Slavic peoples a long time ago in the 9th century. Cyril was into the humanities and by and large is credited with devising an alphabet which became the basis for the Cyrillic alphabet used now in Russia and elsewhere. During his ventures he translated the sacred texts to use in the local churches.
The story of Cyril and Methodius involved both the Eastern and the Roman churches and as a result the saints are recognized far and wide.
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grief and loss is very painful. What will those in grief feel about certain images left on the internet? In many instances, social networking sites and blogs allow another glimpse into the life of those that are missed. Could these memories be sought out when the time is appropriate? It could be just as well to hesistate about removal of sites from the web.
In response to victims of the bushfires in Victoria.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cricket fans in Adelaide just donated a hugh amount of money to support the Bushfire appeal for funds to cover the destruction that occured in Victoria. The Red Cross is receiving donations from all over.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Friday, February 06, 2009

The veteran film, Exodus, is about the founding of the state of Israel and stars Paul Newman in an heroic account of those days although the book by Leon Uris is a highly favoured work.
A grand musical theme from the soundtrack has been popular and before long Pat "White Bucks" Boone wrote lyrics.
This brave and ancient land (Israel)...
the morning sun reveals her hills and plains
Then I see a land where children can run free.
....I'll.....make this land our own...
Until I die this land is mine.
Thursday, February 05, 2009

No. An oasis, cool and palm-fringed stood in the park in Hamilton. The air was heavy with the scent of the fruit of the fig trees and the earth was thickly covered with the 'berries' from off these large old shade trees. .
A group of city council gardeners was/were busy working there. Many other council workers were on strike today over an issue. Council workers don't strike very often at all.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Babooshka would know this is not the Isle of Man.
Otherwise, Firefox appears to be a useful, maybe safer browser even if I have discovered only half of what it does.
Hunter Valley,
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A lot of people have signed-up so that a large purchase of solar panels together with their installation can be done for minium costs.
A Government rebate is another impetus.
As a move to help 'boost the economy' through job creation, the government also plans to subsidise ceiling insulation so as to cut back on household heating and cooling and save energy as a consequence.
Monday, February 02, 2009

Below is a form from the Protector of Aboriginals which is an agreement about an Aboriginal stockman from Woorabinda Aboriginal Settlement who went to a grazing property in 1942 to work for two pound per week of which fifteen shillings was pocket money and one pound five shillings was paid, in trust, to the Superintendent at Woorabinda. A receipt covers those payments made by the employer in instalments.
However, Aborigines found that it was difficult to claim such wages. They did not necessarily understand the procedure and it is claimed that deposits were siphoned off. Thumb prints and pass books were unmanageable They feel cheated.
They worked in many roles such as those of domestics and farm hands. As young teenagers they were ordered out of the missions into the workplace to fend for themselves in instances that are reported and were heard recently on ABC radio. This occured up until the ninteen sixties and beyond.
The Woorabinda settlement still operates in Queensland; we looked last time we were in the area.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Today, the liturgy in Newcastle was highlighted by a setting composed by Greg Smith who is a musician and organist at the Sacred Heart Cathedral.
A professional organist is indeed a treasure. Their music takes away the potential stress that is inherent when congregation and music join forces although positive experiences are come upon.
William Hill and Son built the original 1866 organ for St Andrew's, with later additions and alterations by several other makers. Orgues Letorneau Ltee, Ste Hyacinthe, Quebec completed the most recent work in 1998. The organ was restored to display Blacket's (colonial architect) original highly coloured decorations, including an unusual wrought iron framework. The instrument has been moved from the opposite side of the building. Full compliment of playing aids including 8 general, adjustable crescendo pedal & 64 channel sequencer. Electric Action to drawstops. Mechanical Action to manuals. Manual IV and pedal: electropneumatic. Electrical coupling. Compass 58/30.

A banished Kangaroo hides at Nobbys and when he gets upset and restless the rocks fall and the ground trembles. "The Awabakal people believe this is what causes an earthquake."
A series of Dreaming stories has been recorded about Muloobinba, the place of the sea ferns, now called Newcastle and are published in print and on CD by Aborigianl Multimedia Productions 2001.
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