Saturday, June 05, 2021

One good turn...

Sick battery. Kick start. It seems a wide range of ways and means is employed to get the jab done in other places.
 We are too precious, who needs privacy and a jab operator with post graduate training? We enjoy abundance of caution but it puts the brakes on mass vaccinations. And we have no transparency about the available quantity of the sacred injectable.
 Even a fee for service applies! My Medicare site lists my doctor's fee, bulk billed by doctor, a 5 seconds jab given to each in a roomful of people over multiple sessions. Of course it can't be done free of charge but maybe an overall rate is suitable.

The Feds need to primarily finance the states and simply stop undertaking work they are not equipped to do nor should do, they often fail, they seriously complicate and fragment services, they try to justify their existence and double up on costs for everything they dabble with - education, health, social housing, gender wars and so on while totally ignoring leadership on indigenous matters and climate change.Their so called worth is all out of proportion.
 Johnson and Biden bring it on at G7 - we need a dressing down.