Sheep dogs at Vacy.
We had stopped for a meal. A long meal as it turned out because the staff were recovering from a celebration the night before and after nearly an hour and half our food arrived. Well, afterall, there was no real hurry! And watching the world go by in the sunshine and the fresh country air while seated near those dogs on the the verandah was fine enough.
Believe these dogs are Kelpies (Gaelic meaning
water sprite). The Border Collie is a prominent ancestor (along with the Dingo, some experts say). They can be black, black and tan, red, red and tan, chocolate or blue smoke.
The well-bred dog is sound in build and in movement to allow for the stamina demanded of a working sheepdog and they work tirelessly it is said. They are characteristically very faithful as well as intelligent, active, alert and very social and love companionship more than food - almost. Patient and enduring, gentle and obedient as well and with an uncanny talent for anticipation is their character, well, those are the fruits of patient and resonable obedience-training for the dog's spirit will be broken if he or she is bullied and the typical courage and lively character will be extinguished for good.